Choose hyperparameters for a model by training on a grid of many possible parameter values. Read more »
Create and train different kinds of regression models with different computational engines. Read more »
Train a classification model and evaluate its performance. Read more »
Estimate the best hyperparameters for a model using nested resampling. Read more »
Apply bootstrap resampling to estimate uncertainty in model parameters. Read more »
Measure model performance by generating different versions of the training data through resampling. Read more »
Calculate performance estimates for time series forecasts using resampling. Read more »
Estimate the best values for hyperparameters that cannot be learned directly during model training. Read more »
Prepare text data for predictive modeling and tune with both grid and iterative search. Read more »
Develop, from beginning to end, a predictive model using best practices. Read more »
Assess how accurate a model is when aggregating predictions to different spatial scales. Read more »
Build and fit a predictive model with more than one outcome. Read more »
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